Meats & Poultry

Barbary Duck

The Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) is a large duck native to Mexico, Central, and South America. The males reach about 76 cm long, and weigh up to 7 kg. Females are considerably smaller, roughly half the males’ size. This tropical black and white bird can adapt well to cooler climates. In general, Barbary duck is the term used for C. moschata in a culinary context. It is one of the best duck and is famous for its musk taste.

Wagyu Beef

The term wagyu refers to several races of Japanese cattle, including the one that produces the famous Kobe beef. The term wagyu results from the juxtaposition of two words: wa, “Japan” and gyū, “beef”. Today, animals are intensively fattened to develop the muscle mass. The marble is the main reason of the butter flavor, the tenderness and the fine taste of the meat. Kobe’s beef is one of the most refined and popular varieties to which breeders give special attention, such as regular massages, listening to classical music and adding beer to their water.

Duck Magret

The duck breast is a fillet of lean meat, cut from the breast of a goose or fat duck, fattened by force-feeding. It come from the same duck which are used to produce duck confit and foie gras. The magret can be dried or smoked, cut into thin slices. It is usually served rare after being grilled or fried.

Duck Confit

Fresh sausages to fry or braise. Its existence dates back to 1793, and it is named after the famous French gastronomic city of Toulouse. Duck confit is considered one of the most traditional French dishes. The confit is prepared in a traditional process of preservation that consists of salt curing a piece of duck and then cooking it for a very long time in its own fat. To prepare a confit, the meat is seasoned with salt, garlic, and sometimes herbs such as thyme, then covered and refrigerated for up to 36 hours.

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